
Hi, my name is Sean Bolton and I am an Engineering Manager at Modern Treasury, a fintech company based in San Francisco. I am from Kilrush, a small town in the west of Ireland and received my education at the University of Galway and Notre Dame. I currently live in San Francisco.

As an engineer and writer, I am passionate about fintech and using my skills to make a positive impact on the world. Through my writing, I enjoy sharing my insights and knowledge on topics related to money and software engineering. I believe that software has the power to help lift people out of poverty and provide endless career opportunities. In addition, I am interested in exploring how technology can be used to address social and economic inequalities.

Outside of my technical writing, I am also passionate about sharing tips and advice on living a fulfilling and balanced life.

At Modern Treasury, I have the opportunity to work with a talented team of professionals and have gained valuable experience in the fintech industry. My writing reflects my unique perspective and expertise, and I hope to inspire and inform by sharing my thoughts.

In my free time, I love to travel and explore new places. I am also an avid reader of non-fiction books, always looking to learn and grow. Recently, I have been trying my hand at cooking and am enjoying the challenge of creating delicious meals at home.

Thanks for coming to my site and please reach out if you need anything. I’m always interested in learning something new and discussing new ideas.

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